Greetings Beloveds,

I’m eternally grateful that you’re here.

If you are reading this I trust it’s because you’re longing and ready to feel more confident, secure, at home in your body, and in love with your whole self. All the while, there seems to exist an invisible force that’s inhibiting you from feeling safe, safe to be your authentic self, safe to be happy and have the abundance you desire, safe to experience pleasure and goodness in your body, safe to let go and surrender sexually, safe to receive love and be loved in all the ways you deeply crave. 

I know because I struggled with these exact same blocks and limitations. 

As a survivor of childhood sexual trauma and abuse, I know firsthand how debilitating and demoralizing the effects of trauma have on a young person. No one should have to experience such violation or harm. 

I also know that all hardship and adversity can be transformed through pleasure and intention. Pleasure is a woman's best friend. Your pleasure is holy. Pleasure is your direct path to remembering your divine nature. Pleasure will set you free. 

Sounds radical? Why do you think the patriarchy has defiled and oppressed women’s bodies, sexuality and spirituality for thousands of years? Because it’s powerful beyond measure and so are you. When you reclaim a loving and empowered relationship with your body, mind and sexual energy you’re truly sovereign and empowered. 

I am a stand for your pleasure. 

I am a stand for your unapologetic expression. 

I am a stand for your sexual liberation and freedom. 

I am a stand for you to feel so head over heels in love with yourself that you no longer self-sabotage or self-abandon in the pursuit of getting validation externally.

If it was possible for me, I know it’s possible for you too. 

The act of reclamation may appear daunting or out of reach but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In actuality, the principles of pleasure are rather simple and accessible to all.  I pursued this very path because of my own desire to empower myself through healing my relationship with my sexuality and body. I suffered from low self-worth and was unable to orgasm for most of my life. It wasn’t until I started incorporating the practices that I am excited to share with and guide you through that I became the multi-orgasmic, radiant, and unapologetic woman I am today. 

My name is Samantha Stelk. I am a certified VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coach through The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. I completed a 1000+ hour certification program with Layla Martin, one of the most esteemed sexuality teachers in the field. Additionally, I am currently enrolled in the Institute of Coaching Mastery.

I adore and have a special place in my heart for all the women I’ve had the honor of supporting. Below you can read some of their transformations, enjoy!

“Through this work, I developed a new love and awareness and connection to my body. Whether exploring my pleasure by myself or with someone else, I am now so much more present and open to what is. I've been able to release shame and expectations and now have a much more playful, curious, and sensual relationship with my body and my sexuality.” -Kelsey

“Samatha helped me develop unconditional self love, learn to embrace my curves, and step into my womanhood. This program allowed me to embody my power and truth, but most importantly I became an empowered woman.” -Lisa

“I was able to access forgotten parts of myself, accept myself fully and learn how to integrate all parts of me. She has connected me to fully embrace myself as a woman. This is what I learned truly makes you shine.” -Ali

If you want to experience more of your own magic, orgasmic potential and true power click the link below to schedule a free 1-hr discovery call.

I look forward to building a relationship with you.


Xo Samantha